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  • 2021 SETESOL Call for Proposals

Southeast Teachers to Speakers of Other Languages Virtual Conference hosted by GATESOL is proud to announce the

Call for Proposals

for the

2021 SETESOL Conference

October 13 – 16, 2021

Virtual (Whova App)

Submit your proposals using the link below.


Please consider submitting a proposal in one or more of the following strands: 

Advocacy, Social Justice, and Community Building

Applied Linguistics

Content-Integrated Approaches

Culture and Intercultural Communication

Language Assessment

Listening, Speaking, and Pronunciation

Instructional Technology (Virtual Learning)

Materials, Development, and Publishing

Program Administration and Evaluation

Reading, Writing and Literacy

Teacher Education

Vocabulary and Grammar

Personal and Professional Development

Dual Immersion and Bi-Lingual Ed 

We look forward to receiving your presentation proposals!

Deadline for submission is June 5, 2021

If you have questions please contact Alicia Payne (


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